Psychminded has up to 12,000 visitors per month. List psychologist, mental health nurse, therapist, research, counsellor, management, psychiatrist and care vacancies for £120 per vacancy. Details and testimonials
Psychiatrist, lecturer/research, counselling psychologist, locum psychologist, health psychologist, occupational psychologist, assistant psychologist, therapist, mental health nurse, mental health, clinical manager, occupational therapist, and other vacancies

Clinical Director / Consultant Psychiatrist > New Zealand > Focused on performance and Seeking a new challenge > Closing date: Ongoing
Senior clinical psychologist > expertise in Autism > Ireland > 74,000-81,000 Euros > knowledge and experience of diagnostics of Autism Spectrum Disorder > providing psychological services to children and families > Closing date: ongoing
Senior practitioner > one-year maternity cover > Full-Time > Winston's Wish > Cheltenham, Gloucestershire > c£28,000 > work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with bereaved children and their families in a ground-breaking organisation > Closing date: Nov 20, 2013
Clinical psychologist > Full-Time or Part-Time > Sinclair-Strong Consultants Ltd > Kent > to work in expanding provision within learning disability, although opportunities exist to work in adult mental health > £37,545 ? £48,983 > Closing date: ongoing
Permanent and locum clinical psychologists > all specialties > NHS trusts and private sector hospitals
Permanent and locum forensic psychologists > all specialties > NHS trusts and private sector hospitals
Clinical nurses > Huntercombe Group > Cedar House Hospital, near Canterbury, Kent > Closing date: Closed

Senior practitioner > one-year maternity cover > Full-Time > Winston's Wish > Cheltenham, Gloucestershire > c£28,000 > work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with bereaved children and their families in a ground-breaking organisation > Closing date: Nov 20, 2013
High-intensity therapists > IAPT services across the UK > clients with anxiety disorders and depression
Psychological Well-being Practitioners > including part-time > UK-wide > flexible working hours
Therapists trained in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) > NHS trusts and private sector > must be BABCP-registered

General Manager-Clinical Services > Exciting senior leadership roles - key portfolios (Mental Health, Clinical Support Services, Community & Long Term Conditions) > Unique opportunity to drive continuous improvement and service quality on large scale > Renowned, leading edge, teaching and research focused health provider > Great "lifestyle location" Auckland, New Zealand > Closing date: Saturday, 15 February 2014
Senior practitioner > one-year maternity cover > Full-Time > Winston's Wish > Cheltenham, Gloucestershire > c£28,000 > work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with bereaved children and their families in a ground-breaking organisation > Closing date: Nov 20, 2013
Support workers > Huntercombe Group > Ashley House, Market Drayton, Staffordshire > Closing date: Closed
Support workers > Huntercombe Group > Cedar House Hospital, near Canterbury, Kent > Closing date: Closed

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 no vacancies at present

no vacancies at present

no vacancies at present

No vacancies at present.
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