Psychminded Members Forum - now standing at 6472 members
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> To join the free online Psychminded Members Forum: Click here.
> What services do Psychminded Members Forum members receive? You will benefit from a range of exclusive professional-to-professional, password-protected, online services.
* Search online for other forum member psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors, mental health nurses and mental health workers by professional areas of specialist interest (more info)
* Track down other forum member colleagues who trained/graduated from the same UK institution as yourself (more info)
N.B. This service is unavailable to mental health nurses and mental health workers
* View professional profiles of other forum members, including their recommended websites, their views on the most urgent issues facing their profession, and, if appropriate, a list of their papers and books published. You can also email other forum members.
* Include your professional profile on the password-protected members forum database. Psychminded will, under no conditions, pass your details to any third party without your permission.
* Receive, if chosen, news, comment, research links and job updates by email
> Who can join? Presently the Psychminded Members Forum accepts:
1. DClinPsych qualified clinical psychologists and clinical psychologists trained outside the UK
2. Psychiatrists graduated from a UK medical school and psychiatrists medically trained from outside the UK
3. Therapists and counsellors who have completed a BACP-accredited course, and therapists and counsellors who trained outside the BACP
4. Occupational psychologists who have completed a BPS-accredited masters in occupational psychology. 5. Educational psychologists who have completed a BPS-accredited masters in educational psychology.
6. Academic psychologists/graduates graduated in a BPS-accredited BSc or BA in psychology, and academic psychologists who graduated outside the UK. 7. Counselling psychologists who have completed a BPS-accredited masters in couselling psychology and professionals trained outside the UK 8. Health psychologists who have completed a BPS-accredited masters health psychology course and professionals trained outside UK 9. Mental health workers (all grades - from managers to volunteers) 10. Mental health nurses
> How much does membership cost? The Psychminded Members Forum is free.
> How to join the Psychminded Members Forum? Click here