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Latest: Want your ad to be viewed 17,500 times per month by our psychologist, psychiatrist and mental health professional visitors? Then place it on more than 1,000 psychminded pages. Ring on . See our pdf media flyer is the leading UK-based web publisher providing job listings, news, features, comment, and other services for the psychology, psychiatry and mental health sector. receives around 25,000 page views per month, with up to 17,000 visitors per month.
Primary visitors are
* psychologists (clinical, health, occupational, educational, forensic, research and academic)
* mental health nurses
* psychiatrists
* psychotherapists
* mental health social workers
* managers of mental health services
* counsellors
* job-seekers looking for mental health positions

All vacancies are to our followers , and included on a jobs email bulletin to our 2000+ database of active job-hunting professionals.

Just email vacancy details to us in word format (logos of your organisation can be emailed as a gif or jpeg file). We design your advertisement according to our house style. Each ad has its own separate google-enhanced html page.

Within two working days we will have your vacancies displayed on our jobs-listing board.

There's no space limit, so include as much information as you like, including a logo and a link back to your website or the vacancy listed on your own website.

For further details on this service please contact Adam James via or telephone on

*£120 per vacancy. Vacancy displayed until closing date for applications or for up to three months. (Please note: we operate on a per vacancy basis, not per posting.)

See below for prices for more than one vacancy listed on one posting.

Premium options:

* For an additional £85 a vacancy can be show-cased as a
'Top Job' on psychminded's home page. Expected monthly page impressions = 6,000 (Total cost = £205)
* For an additional £150 a vacancy can be show-cased as a
'Top Job' on psychminded's home page + on 1000 psychminded news pages. Expected monthly page impressions = 17,500 (Total cost = £270)

Gold option:
For an additional £300 a vacancy can be show-cased with a banner ad (designed by us at no charge or supplied by you)
throughout the whole psychminded site. Expected monthly page impressions = 17,500. (Total cost = £420)
For all options, will also email details of your vacancy to professionals signed up to the psychminded members forum


* £900 for six months of up to 20 vacancies of one trust or organisation.

Six month premium options:
* For an additional £55 a vacancy can be
show-cased as a
'Top Job' on psychminded's home page.
* For an additional £90 a vacancy can be show-cased as a 'Top Job' on psychminded's home page + on 1000 psychminded news pages.
For all options, will also email details of your vacancies to professionals signed up to the psychminded members forum


* £1500 for 12 months of up to 30 job vacancies of one trust or organisation.

Twelve month premium options:
* For an additional £45 a vacancy can be show-cased as a
'Top Job' on psychminded's home page.
* For an additional £70 a vacancy can be show-cased as a 'Top Job' on psychminded's home page + on 1000 psychminded news pages.
For all options, will email also details of your vacancies to professionals signed up to the psychminded members forum


* £250 for more than one vacancy listed on one posting. Displayed for up to three months. For premium options contact Adam James via or telephone on .


For further details and for costings for button and banner adverts see below, or contact Adam James via or telephone on .

To view an A4 flyer (pdf) for NHS trusts, click here.

To view psychminded's advertisement in Mind's OpenMind magazine, and Mental Health Today magazine, click here (pdf)

Agency commision: 5%

For further details or rates contact Adam James via or telephone on .

Button or banner adverts can be displayed on any one, or combination of,'s hundreds of pages.

For further details or rates contact Adam James via or telephone on . and have been fine-tuned to be picked up by leading search engines under key psychology, psychiatry and mental health job-seeking words. See for yourself by going to and searching on "psychologist jobs", "psychiatrist jobs" or "mental health jobs"

Latest: Thanks to psychminded's knowledge of search engine optimisation one advert of our long-term advertisers - Care Principles - is now featured on the first page of google under "Mental Health Care Worker Jobs" and "Mental Health Nurse Jobs". Do you want your vacancies to have the same massive showcasing on the web? Call us on or
Invoices which should be paid within 30 days of the invoice being raised.

© 2001-11 Psychminded Limited. All rights reserved

Testimonials from advertisers...

"The overall response to the ads on the site has been very good"
Emma Smith, PA to Head of HR & Training, Care Principles, which advertises clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, assistant psychologist, mental health nurse, healthcare assistant and social worker vacancies at

"The number and quality of responses was...significantly better than the British Psychological Society's Appointments Memorandum"
Gareth Hughes, head of psychological services at Kneesworth House Hospital, Cambridgeshire, after advertising for a clinical psychologist

"Thanks very much. The advert did well...we will definitely come back to you" William Snagge, City and Hackney Mind, which advertised for a mental health advocate

"We had a successful response - and two people started with us last week. Thanks!"
Lynette MacLaughlin, research manager of Cognitive Drug Research which advertised research associate vacancies

"One [of our applicants] saw the vacancy from psychminded, and this is the person our psychology department offered the position to! Therefore, I think our advert with you was very successful! Many thanks for all your help and I will endeavour to persuade more managers to use psychminded in the future!"
Karen Richards, human resources assistant with Norfolk Mental Healthcare Trust which advertised for a clinical psychologist.

"We had 10 applications from our advert with psychminded and have now filled the position. Thank you."
Veronica Machin, human resource specialist with which advertised for a clinical psychologist for a private care home.

"The adverts perform well, that's why I keep using you! Thanks for all your help."
Martin Willmott, chief psychologist, Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust which advertises a range of vacancies at psychminded.

"Thank you. We are happy with the response and will use you again,"
Debbie Allen, recruitment co-ordinator, Harrow Primary Care Trust which advertised for a locum clinical psychologist

"We have now filled the position for clinical or counselling psychologist that we advertised with you, We chose the successful candidate from one of those who contacted us through your ad, so many thanks!"
Louise Clarkson, director, The Keil Centre, Chartered Psychologists.

"We had a very good response. We had 47 applicants, 75% of which came from Psychminded. We are delighted with the speed of your service, the cost- effectiveness and the efficient and professional attitude of your staff. Congratulations."
Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust which advertised for an assistant psychologist

"Thank you...we had about 50 applicants,"
Kathleen Khan, administrator for the psychology department of Beds & Luton Community NHS Trust which advertised for an assistant psychologist.

"Thank you for your help. Applicants are looking very strong"
Alina Galis, research psychologist with the North East London Mental Health Trust which advertised for an assistant research psychologist

Our service can not be more highly praised than that can it? What is more, costs of advertising at psychminded are a fraction of the price of the printed press.